Export Data

TMG Utility is the essential TMG companion tool. If you use it, please make a donation.


On this page: Description, Export Formats, Available Exports, ADVANCED: Customizations


Export Data converts selected TMG project data to XML and then either writes an XML file or converts the XML to HTML and writes an HTML file. The specific types of data that can be exported are listed below.

Export Formats

There are two export formats, XML and HTML. Choose the XML format if you need to process the exported data in another program and you are comfortable working with XML. Choose the HTML format if you only wish to view the data, or perhaps process it by copying the exported data from a browser and pasting it into TMG or some other application.

Export Format: XML

If you set the Export Format to XML, the selected data will be exported to an XML file. When the Export Format is XML, and you use the Set stylesheet option, TMG Utility will include a stylesheet directive in the XML file and copy a selected XSLT Stylesheet to the same folder as the XML output file.

When an XML file includes a stylesheet directive, and you open the XML file in a web browser, some browsers will apply the XSLT Stylesheet and show the formatted result.

Export Format: HTML

If you set the Export Format to HTML, the selected data will be converted to XML format but TMG Utility will then apply the selected XSLT Stylesheet to transform the XML to HTML, and the output will be an HTML file. If you are happy with the formatting provided by one of the XSLT Stylesheets supplied with TMG Utility, or if you intend to modify the presentation of the data by editing the HTML, then you may opt to use the HTML Export Format.

Available Exports

The data export choices are as follows.

Subcommand Description
DNA Log Exports the contents of the DNA log. TMG Utility also includes an XML data file that describes the standard tests (dna-tests.xml) and merges that XML data with the DNA Log data to produce an XML file that includes both test descriptions and your project data. The XML is designed to reduce the difficulty of making a marker grid in HTML. The Standard Stylesheet (DNA Log-Standard.xsl) included with TMG Utility made the HTML for the marker grid shown below.
Exhibit Log Exports the contents of the Exhibit log, including exhibit names, captions, descriptions, file paths, etc.

For exhibits attached to people, the XML includes the person's name and TMG ID.

For exhibits attached to events, the XML includes the event type and date, and the list of people attached to the event including principals and witnesses.

For external exhibits, the XML includes a file:// URL. The Standard Stylesheet has an option to show those images.

For internal text exhibits, the XML includes the exhibit text.

Places Exports places from the Master Place List.

The stylesheet includes an option to add mapping links. If the place data includes latitude and longitude, a "Map" link is added using that information. Otherwise, the name of the place is used as a search term for the mapping service.

When the name of a place is used for the map link, there is no guarantee that the mapping service will produce the correct map. The link starts a search, and the search may fail for a variety of reasons, including limitations of the mapping services, incorrect place names, and more.

Sentences Exports sentences from tags in the Master Tag Type List. There are two Stylesheets available, Standard and Grid.

Roles are listed in order according to how the sentences are stored in the TMG project. That may not be the order set in TMG's Tag Type Definition window.

Sources Exports sources from the Master Source List.
Styles Exports styles from the Master Style List.


See: Export Data Customization